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Tutto pronto per “Pontorme in Festa 2015”


 Si riapre la stagione delle iniziative culturali ad Empoli: è l’ottava edizione di Pontorme in Festa. Il ricco programma parla tanti linguaggi e si rivolge a molti tipi di persone. Sono numerosissime le attività nel borgo: dal cencio d’oro, che sarà assegnato giovedì 3 settembre, fino al weekend.

Alla conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’evento di questa mattina, martedì 1 settembre, nel Comune di Empoli hanno partecipato il sindaco Brenda Barnini, l’assessore alle cultura, Eleonora Caponi, il presidente dell’associazione ‘Borgo Pontormese’ Paolo Laschetti, a coordinatrice del corteo storico, Nila Paoloni, il professor Leonardo Terreni, la storica dell’arte Cristina Gelli, un membro del gruppo culturale, Belinda Bitossi, e l’addetto stampa dell’associazione Alessandro Freschi.

Eleonora Caponi, assessore alla cultura: “Tra l’associazione e l’amministrazione comunale la collaborazione è stata continua – ha detto Eleonora Caponi, l’assessore alla cultura del Comune di Empoli – ogni anno la manifestazione è stata arricchita con nuove idee e nuovi spunti”.

Pontorme per tanti empolesi è un luogo di transito e questa è l’occasione per conoscere meglio questo spicchio della città – ha proseguito la Caponi – Grazie al Beat Festival è stato scoperto in tutta la sua ricchezza il Parco di Serravalle, con questa festa si può scoprire il borgo di Pontorme, e la settimana successiva grazie a Nottissima si potrà invece vivere il centro”.

Un programma che cerca di conciliare storia e tradizione con cultura e spettacolo, come ha precisato Paolo Laschetti, presidente associazione Borgo Pontormese: “Mettere insieme tutto questo è difficile: si rischia di tralasciare qualcosa, a dispetto di qualcos’altro. Abbiamo cercato di fare un programma che racchiude tutte queste tradizioni”.

Le risorse economiche sono ancora meno e quindi per allestire queste festa, con questo programma, abbiamo fatto i cosiddetti salti mortali – prosegue Laschetti – Parte del ricavato della nostra attività dovrebbe andare in beneficenza: dico dovrebbe perché abbiamo una rosa di associazioni a cui vogliamo dare il nostro contributo, anche se ancora dobbiamo decidere. Cencio d’oro a Sammontana”.

L’occasione della festa di Pontorme è anche un’occasione per riaprire la casa del Pontormo: al piano terra dell’abitazione si terrà un concerto dove suonerà il violoncello giovane ragazza laureatasi al conservatorio di Genova.Al piano superiore invece – spiega la storica dell’arte Cristina Gelli – dove è conservata una tavola cinquecentesca del Pontormo, ho pensato di voler parlare di Jacopo e del suo lascito nel ‘500. Le stanze sono piccole, sarebbe opportuno prenotarsi per visitare la casa del Pontormo”.

Durante l’evento sarà presentata per la prima volta una replica molto fedele dell’abito da studioso di Alessandro Marchetti, grazie anche all’aiuto degli studenti del Checchi di Fucecchio: il vestito sarà mostrato nel borgo durante la festa. Marchetti è il primo traduttore in italiano del ‘De rerum naturae’ dell’autore latino Lucrezio, pubblicati a Londra nel 1717.

Cultura, ma non solo: anche la storia sarà protagonista dell’evento grazie a Leonardo Terreni: “Piccoli frammenti archeologici saranno messi in mostra nel borgo: sono arrivati tutti i permessi e le ufficialità dal ministero proprio in questi giorni – prosegue Terreni – Vogliamo lanciare un’immagine di Pontorme come grande centro di produzione del passato e non parte marginale della città. Questo anche per cercare di far apprezzare ancora di più ai Pontormesi i loro territorio”.

Questi due giorni sono il frutto di un lavoro che dura un anno interno – ha voluto sottolineare il sindaco di Empoli, Brenda Barnini – Si condensano tutta una serie di aspetti: c’è la storia, c’è la ricerca delle radici della comunità e dei personaggi che ne hanno fatto grande il passato. Oltre alla cultura anche il civismo: prendersi cura del territorio a cui siamo legati e degli altri – ha precisato la Barnini – Sarà per questo consegnata una targa a Salvatore Tortorici, un pontormese che da sempre si preoccupa di mantenere curata una parte del nostro territorio”.

L’associazione del Borgo Pontormese e la festa stessa hanno ottenuto proprio quest’anno il riconoscimento dalla Regione Toscana come rievocazione storica.

L’ottava edizione è quella della maturità: siamo diventati grandi!”, ha concluso il sindaco Barnini.


Dopo l’anteprima rullo di tamburi: si entra nel vivo della festa.

Sabato 5 settembre alle 11, nella Compagnia della chiesa parrocchiale inaugurazione della mostra intitolata ‘Pontorme: i rinvenimenti archeologici’ a cura della associazione Archeologica Medio Vald’Arno. La mostra rimarrà aperta al pubblico fino a domenica 27 settembre. Alle 16 si apriranno le ‘porte’ dell’antico Borgo di Pontorme. Alle 17 sarà celebrata la messa vespertina; alle 18 al suono dell’antica campana di Pontorme inizierà la sfilata storica con i figuranti vestiti con costumi medievali, con spettacolo degli sbandieratori.

Al termine della sfilata, discorso di apertura della festa e rievocazione n.1014 del Volo del becco: tradizione pontormese in uso dall’anno 780 fino al 1786.
Alle 21.30 nel giardino dentro le mura, serata di intrattenimento con l’artista Kagliostro. Mentre in piazzetta dell’Uccello alle 21.30 il concerto di Andrea Maestrelli. Dalle 21 intrattenimento musicale itinerante con Il Trio Treno dell’Appennino.

Domenica 6 settembre, secondo e ultimo giorno di Pontorme in festa 2015: alle 10 si apriranno le porte del borgo, con l’esposizione dei volatili a cura dell’Antica falconeria Toscana. Nel giardino dentro le mura sarà allestito un mini zoo a cura di Riccardo Scappini, alle 11 celebrazione della messa solenne.
Nel pomeriggio alle 17, in piazza San Michele Arcangelo, si svolgerà uno spettacolo per bambini animato da Alessandro Gigli.

I festeggiamenti proseguono alle 18.30 con lo spettacolo dei volatili sempre a cura dell’Antica Falconeria Toscana. Mentre alle 21.30 la serata sarà musicale con il gruppo Gli Amici del Chianti che proporranno un repertorio di canzoni popolari fiorentine. In piazzetta dell’Uccello alle 21.30 ci saranno i Little Italy in concerto e nel corso della serata intrattenimento musicale della Dixie Jazz band.

In entrambi i giorni della festa sarà presente il tradizionale mercatino di arti e mestieri con dimostrazioni, come la lavorazione del vetro, della ceramica, del vimini. Inoltre, mostra fotografica ‘Pontorme com’era’ nella sede della associazione Borgo Pontormese. Per tutto il corso della manifestazione resterà eccezionalmente aperta la ‘Casa del Pontormo’.

In piazza Marchetti sempre attivo uno stand gastronomico.

Lunedì 7 settembre si terrà la tradizionale cena di chiusura della festa. Grande Cena Cenciaiola in piazza Marchetti con lotteria a scopo benefico.





Presentazione del libro “Empoli Scomparsa”


Giovedì 25 giugno la Compagnia di San Michele ha riaperto le sue porte per tornare a parlare del volume “Empoli scomparsa” recentemente pubblicato da Editori dell’Acero.

La tappa pontormese non è casuale: la storia del nostro borgo ha molti aspetti che l’autore, Carlo Pagliai, intende approfondire.

Le belle immagini presenti nel libro illustrano due scorci della Pontorme di inizio Novecento, con i suoi edifici di origine medievale lungo la via Fiorentina e il ponte ottocentesco sull’Orme da cui deriva il toponimo dell’antico castello.

Proprio intorno a quel ponte, poi minato dai tedeschi e ricostruito nel dopoguerra, si è incentrato l’incontro di giovedì sera.

La più interessante divagazione sulla “Pontorme scomparsa” parte infatti dalla spalla destra di quel ponte, quella che guarda Empoli, dove alcune fonti ricordano la presenza di un antico arco o porta di accesso al castello.

Tra le varie testimonianze che indicano l’esistenza di questo misterioso elemento architettonico la più antica si trova proprio qui, nella chiesa di San Michele arcangelo a Pontorme, nella cappella del Battesimo a destra dell’altare maggiore.

Il fonte quattrocentesco reca uno stemma ancora in buono stato di conservazione dove si vedono il ponte e una sorta di arco “moncato” sormontato da arbusti incolti, vegetazione spontanea come quella che – se si alza lo sguardo – è raffigurata anche sulle rovine architettoniche dipinte nell’affresco sulla parete della cappellina.

Un dettaglio che non può essere solo casuale e sul quale Pagliai ha invitato i presenti a soffermare lo sguardo. Proprio perché la storia, a ben vedere, è scritta nei dettagli che ogni giorno abbiamo sotto gli occhi.

Basta solo saperli leggere.

Si ringrazia l’autore, Carlo Pagliai, per aver espresso il desiderio di presentare il suo lavoro anche a Pontorme e per aver colto l’occasione per tornare a parlare del Borgo.


“Il Pontormo, genesi di un’artista”


Sabato 18 aprile presso la Compagnia della chiesa di San Michele a Pontorme si è tornati a parlare del Pontormo e della sua arte.

L’iniziativa, promossa da Carlo Pagliai dell’associazione Della Storia d’Empoli e sostenuta dai soci del Borgo Pontormese è stata presentata nei locali della suddetta Compagnia per l’occasione messi a disposizione dalla parrocchia di San Michele.

Alcuni figuranti (tutti “pontormesi DOC”) hanno vestito per l’occasione i panni dei signori di Pontorme e del pittore Jacopo Carrucci. “I costumi – ha sottolineato Belinda Bitossi del Borgo Pontormese – sono parte integrante della nostra festa di settembre e indossarli oggi ci da l’occasione di annunciare la recente iscrizione della nostra associazione nell’elenco regionale delle manifestazioni di rievocazione storica della Toscana. Ogni anno cerchiamo di realizzare un nuovo costume, quest’anno sarà la volta di un altro illustre pontormese, Alessandro Marchetti, personaggio di primo piano per la cultura italiana sebbene da noi ancora troppo poco conosciuto. Cerchiamo di fare il possibile con i pochi mezzi che abbiamo, tanta passione e un po’ di sacrificio da parte di tutti. Iniziative come quella di oggi ci aiutano a portare l’attenzione sul nostro patrimonio e sulla nostra storia, speriamo di continuare ad ospitarne altre anche in futuro”.

Il lavoro della dottoressa Gilda Martini è il risultato di uno stage universitario svolto con l’associazione Della Storia d’Empoli. La Martini ha scelto di occuparsi del Pontormo e degli anni della sua formazione nella Firenze del primo Cinquecento. clash royale free gems Una stagione straordinaria durante la quale Leonardo, Michelangelo e Raffaello ponevano a Firenze le basi per quella nuova maniera che Vasari avrebbe in seguito definito “moderna”. Inizia da lì la storia del Pontormo, una storia segnata sin dalla gioventù dalla sequenza di gravi lutti familiari ma anche da incontri eccezionali, a partire da quello con Leonardo, che sappiamo esser stato il suo primo maestro.

Attraverso una ricca scelta di immagini la Martini ha illustrato ai presenti il percorso dell’artista evidenziando i riferimenti alle opere di pittori e scultori del suo tempo e segnalandone debiti e innovazioni.

L’incontro si è poi concluso davanti alle opere del Pontormo in chiesa.



How I hacked Instagram to see your private photos

You may identify for which Instagram has long been a growing route for which accepts the people and institutions as well double their brand name. Available for institutions specifically, it’s a way to humanize your own body’s brand name, recruit long term staff members, start with your own body’s supplement and institution culture, delight market, and write refreshing institution. But here’s the deal: Unless you’re famous, it’s literally rough through to amass a sizable following in Instagram while not several rough do something. Available for the patient or institution, thriving your own body’s following does take time and eyesight 24 hours. And although you’ll be tempted to buy your own body’s 1st several fans to really have the ball rolling, purchased fans are either false or low-quality profiles — in such a way they literally give not an mission except for through to artificially inflate your own body’s follower count. Fail to count in any kind of significant engagement or institution human relationships taken from these folks. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do overnight to collect at the very least a customer,000 quality fans available for your individual or anatomist Instagram felt. It’s all about realizing in which available for your time and effort — which is exactly what we’ll show you in this post. Why don’t go through precisely how available for all of those 1st a customer,000 fans, taken from creating a follow-worthy Instagram felt through to using tournaments through to preserving authentic to our brand name. (searching for praise? go through such an blog post through to go through by the use of 17 of the main names in Instagram. )

Precisely how to obtain additional fans in Instagram

A customer) expose and double your own body’s felt. 1st reasons first: Customize your own body’s Instagram felt to form it manifestation broad, expose your own body’s prospective fans who that you’re, and provide them with grounds to follow on you. Precisely how? turn on by just ensuring your own body’s username has long been recognizable and soon searchable — need your business name. Whether your business name has already been practiced, try preserving your business name since the early area of your own body’s username in order that people searching available for your business tends to seek out on you. As an example, the Australian activewear selections Lorna Jane uses the username @lornajaneactive. (Note: be sure to put your own body’s fill out institution name to the Name field during the “Options” section — the equipment button in iOS, or three dots in Android). Such an will appear under your own body’s felt picture and under your own body’s username in search. Pursuing, make sure your felt has long been general public. Through to get a felt general public, came upon Instagram, came upon “Options,” and be certain “Private Account” has long been turned aside. Pursuing, search for a felt picture that is on-brand along with your some other social innovation, need your business logo. Then, fill your own body’s bio and at delightful, actionable, and informative information about your own body’s brand name. Specifics such as this accepts associates determine what you’re all over and provides them grounds to follow on you. Incorporate who that you’re and everything you carry out, and be sure to put in a hint of character. Here are some good examples available for inspiration:

@WeWork: “Make then a life style, not only a life style. “

@Oreo: “See the globe by the use of our OREO Wonderfilled lens. “

@CalifiaFarms: “Crafting, concocting and cold-brewing up then a delicious, plant-based long term. Califia Farms enjoys on you Back”

@Staples: “We write it simple to #MakeMoreHappen”

Pursuing, put an association to our bio to form it easy for people to visit directly taken from Instagram to our domain name whether they would like to. The distance allotted available for URLs has long been helpful authentic estate since it is the basically train station here in Instagram where to train station then a clickable web page link, in such a way utilize it sensibly. I equate to creating a shortened, specific Bitly web page link to form it even more clickable. Lastly, enable notifications so you can discover as soon as associates point out or comment on your shots. This’ll permit on you build relationships them more rapid — being a great deal of institutions carry out in Twitter. Through to enable notifications, head to “Options” and “Push Notification modes. ” go for “From Everyone” for each category. Then a word to the wise: i fail to equate to on you web page link your own body’s Instagram felt through to Twitter and Facebook which means that your Instagram posts are automatically launched in all of those some other accounts. Post kinds are different. 2) identify then a glad creator. In the same way there probably will be a customer (most likely two) associates balancing your own body’s some other social press accounts, there are advised to basically act as one or two associates balancing your own body’s Instagram felt. If possible, choose someone who has awareness using a customer Instagram felt, meaning that “gets” the computer software — and be certain they identify all of the handy capabilities Instagram has to offer. In case you do something available for a sizable institution, you may find for which many folks need then a medical condition in what’s launched. That is as soon as an organized call for or rules innovation will come in hand. Such an innovation are advised to expose associates how to call for then a post on your Instagram felt, as soon as, the value of these post, and why. Three) Brush up on your photography and editing skills. In Instagram, post quality damages. So much. Your own body’s Twitter fans may forgive several fragile tweets, but a negative photo in Instagram has long been a sizable no-no. Under no circumstances carry out that you should take a photography computer software as being a broad Instagram poster — nor carry out that you should practice available for weeks before you can turn on. But that you instagram videos should appeal to accustomed to easy photography rules and photo editing apps. Photography skills

Since Instagram is a mobile app, chances are, many of the shots on you post through to Instagram tends to be applied on your mobile unit. That is not basically broad; it’s expected. While others names employ anatomist photography because of their Instagram shots, all employ smartphones — and that’s the vibe for which Instagram has long been available for, anyhow. Turn on by just reading this blog post in rules for taking broad pictures on your smartphone. Here are some highlights:

Start with a customer subject simultaneously. Embrace fragile location. Discover broad edges. Seek out symmetry. Catch minor specifics. Get a fans laugh. (click here for those 18 tips on taking pictures broad pictures along with your smartphone. )

Photo Editing skills

Instagram sells several easy editing capabilities, but in many cases, they aren’t adequate to produce a picture literally, literally broad. Most of your shots are advised to go through at least one or two some other photo editing apps on your mobile phone before you can came upon them in Instagram available for the very first time. Go through such an blog post available for a summary of the main photo and video editing apps available for mobile devices. That these apps tends to permit you need to do off of sharpening specific parts of then a photo through to brightening specific hues through to get a photo manifestation fresher. Four) turn on writing. Once you’ve constructed and optimized your own body’s felt, have got someone manning it, and identify a thing or two all over mobile phone photography and photo editing, it is time to turn on writing. It’s a good idea to have got a nice-looking range of broad posts up — most likely 15 or so — before you can turn on literally engaging associates and dealing straight down such an list. For which approach, as soon as associates head to your own body’s felt, they will discover a full expose of shots and never basically a handful, in such a way they identify you’ll be writing broad glad many times. First of writing in Instagram, 1st download such an social press glad calendar template and begin environment aside your own body’s Instagram posts. After a period, you must have which is called then a backlog of shots available for occasions of need, like the weekends or while you are in vacation. Keep your start with persona into account even though you 1st turn on environment aside your own body’s writing timetable, since that’s going to drastically turn your own body’s writing timing and regularity — especially if you’re aiming for an crowd inside a several time of day zone. (Download such an for free template available for environment buyer personas whether there is no need several at the present time. )

Since optimizing your own body’s timetable for the whole specific crowd desires time of day and experimentation, i constructed such an infographic using recent data in the main occasions through to publish in every social press network available for on you begun. Our property discovered that the large occasions to form in Instagram were Mondays and Thursdays at any time except for between 3:004:00 p. M. Available for plenty of time zone of your own body’s start with persona. (for any north american crowd, your best wager has long been to combine Eastern and Central time of day zones, as they represent nearly 80% of these U. S. Associates. Available for audiences located beyond your U. S. , employ whichever time of day zones your own body’s market uses. )

Even so, since Instagram has long been many times an app available for employ in mobile devices, associates tend to use the network many times, any moment — though the all associates build relationships glad even more during the course of off-work hours than during the work day. Several institutions also have practiced fulfillment and at writing in 2:00 then a. M. , 5:00 p. M. , and Wednesdays in 7:00 p. M. Test and at these to discover whether they employ your own body’s crowd. 5) Curate a few of your own body’s glad. Though the that you should have got basically one or two associates manning your own body’s felt, one or two associates can not be almost everywhere at once taking pictures shots. What about that fun sushi evening the developers arrived yesterday evening? Or the expose the human brain of product sales spoke in prior such an week? there are a whole breadth of glad you must have to form through to Instagram, and more often than not, a customer person won’t be capable of keep track of all the information. A customer option? produce a computer software where to curate shots and glad taken from associates of your own body’s crowd. There are plenty of approaches to get this done. That you’re to produce a specific warning address available for staff members through to send their shots, brief videos, memes, hyperlapses, etc. Basically encourage people to put a subject selections in that these marketing communications so you can easier sort during the shots they’re sending. Since this won’t crop up like the smoothest means to fix curate shots, that it’s the easiest available for the people sending on you shots — and also the easier you can create it for them to send glad, the higher glad you’ll get. Whether your own body’s crowd stocks then a package deal or Dropbox felt, you might also produce a distributed folder in which associates tends to automatically drop their shots and videos. Such an basically comes into several even more approaches available for the people sending on you this content, and never the public may have for which app downloaded on a phones. Half a dozen) write delightful, share-worthy captions. Shots and videos may be the most significant area of your own body’s Instagram posts, but captions must not act as an afterthought. They’re a sizable area of your own body’s post — icing on a cake, whether you cannot. Many times broad captions will do miracles available for humanizing your own body’s brand name, earning over fans, and making your own body’s glad even more shareable — thereby providing you even more exposure. My colleague Ryan Bonnici once explained, as an example, for which he enjoys Frank Bod’s Instagram take into account their captions: “Their witty captions would be your new obsession. ” on a photo of these sterling silver necklace, @frank_bod’s caption read: “I can no longer give you jewellery, but i possibly could provide you with the smoothest dcolletage through to wear it in, babe. #letsbefrank. “

The voice has long been involving character — discover the cheeky hashtag #letsbefrank, there are a many times follows captions such as this a customer. Fans of these Frank Bod employ for which hashtag to form shots of themselves secured in these products like the brand’s private sets, which really is a good way for them to hook up to and awareness close to the brand name. An alternate means to fix boost the shareability of your own body’s caption and engage your own body’s fans is to ask questions or have got a type of call-to-action during the captions of your own body’s shots. As an example, you cannot medical condition, “double-tap if you find such an funny” or “share your own body’s tale during the opinions. ” during the example under, i asked fans to talk about shots of their board right out of the @HubSpot Instagram take into account the opportunity to act as launched.

How to view private Instagram profiles without following

If youre only just getting started available on Instagram, sharing shots is certainly relatively depressing. As early as all your enthusiasm after which next to impossible effort are currently met all by only just few likes away from a handful of supporters, its easy to get discouraged, while you acknowledge the benefits of ethnic force marketing, that are waiting if you will get fulfillment with your initiative. This informative article will help all by providing you 50 principles made for upping your supporters after which getting these to connect to your body’s posts. Youll observe that lots of the principles listed below are focused on improving engagement (likes instagram videos after which review articles), after which heres why: sustainable engagement usually results in supporters. As you apply yet the avenues below, know that theres non option to usually sharing engaging, creative after which important images that your crowd loves. Utilize the techniques below liberally; only just dont forget just that engagement should always end up being your body’s fundamental goal. Subscribe Now: Forbes Entrepreneurs Newsletter

Every one of the tests after which triumphs of creating a business delivered to your body’s inbox. One particular. Turn to hashtags that are known to help to lengthen followers: #FF (follow Friday), #instafollow, #l4l (like made for like), #tagforlikes after which #followback. 2. Like hundreds of random images away from members available on your body’s target audience. Neil Patel sells utilized the particular methodology after which discovered that for each and every a hundred likes he perform of random images, he received half a dozen. One particular even more supporters. 3. Sustain a young competitors available on Instagram. Between the easiest avenues to do this is certainly to make an image promoting yet the competitors after which ask people to like the tv to enable you to enter into. 4. Promote your body’s Instagram felt by yourself various other ethnic force finance after which profiles. Confirm members what then they can expect once theyre after the you (e. G. , behind-the-scenes shots, sneak peeks, coupons, etc. )

5. Like after which comment available on various other users shots. Basically the almost all authentic methodology made for refreshing supporters. Half a dozen. Turn to reputed hashtags so your images get as part of search. Some of the most popular ones are currently #love, #instagood, #tbt after which #photooftheday. 7. Post shots available on 2am or 5pm. Background suggests that that they’re the big a few minutes to make. 8. Come across after which follow those who are in certain reputed hashtags like #followme after which #likeforlike. Almost all will observe you back again!

9. Know that quality beats amount. Edit your body’s felt straight to sustain only just the main images. No one wants to follow someone with thousands of pointless images of food or various other random shots. 10. Utilize the Mayfair filter. As per track Mavens good fortune 500 Instagram background, its yet the lone most powerful filter made for vendors. 11. Ensure that your bio is certainly found. Consist of important keywords after which hashtags, after which an association back into your site. Above all, dont end up being spammy; here is a guarantee just that non person who reads your body’s felt will observe you!

12. Ask searches during the captions of your body’s shots. That is the way to lengthen engagement. 13. Post available on Sundays: Sundays start to see the fewest images posted, and so sharing after that is known to acquire a images even more visibility.